Weinschel Associates

Weinschel Associates has proven itself to be a growing force in the industry of passive microwave components. The Weinschel Associates team bring many years of design, manufacturing and measurement experience to the RF and Microwave passive component field, including precision coaxial connectors and their standardization.

The product line along with the special applications available, provide the unique specifications that has products sold by Weinschel Associates in a class by themselves.

Refined methods of resistor manufacture produce better yields at higher accuracies with improved typical performance. This applies both to attenuation and VSWR vs frequency as well as to lower power and temperature coefficients, important when extending the range of power meters.

The process of deposition and ruggedness of their resistive films provide bilateral match for all units and bilateral high power input in many of their models.


  • Fixed Coaxial Attenuators
  • Precision Attenuator Sets
  • Coaxial Terminations
  • Variable Attenuators
  • Digital Attenuators
  • Power Splitters and Dividers
  • Precision RF adapters
  • DC Blocks
  • Stub Tuners

WA35 Attenuator

WA1421 Termination

Please contact our Sales for inquiries and quotations.

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